In Vern Oakley’s book Leadership in Focus he devoted an entire chapter to one video that was developed by Microsoft’s Chief Storyteller Steve Clayton. In this interview on the Tribe Pictures website they discuss the story behind the story of introducing their CEO to the world using video.
Thanks to video messaging, connecting with employees has never been easier. These tips will help guide any CEO towards the discovery of their authentic video voice.
One of the most popular Super Bowl commercials of all time ran back in 2000. Created for the technology company EDS – now a part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise – it featured grizzled cowboys on the range, talking in a casual, off-the-cuff style about what it’s like to drive a herd of felines across the open plains.
Video’s growing popularity puts major pressure on leaders to get in front of the camera. Kudos if you’re already communicating through film. You’re ahead of many of your competitors who are still holding back. But don’t worry if you haven’t joined the movement yet.
It’s essential for leaders to connect with employees in their videos. That’s because every video can be a powerful tool. Employees look to leaders to set the culture of a company. A leader needs to be authentic, relatable, and strong, whether they’re in a boardroom with just a handful of people or appearing on a video for thousands of employees.
I recently read an article by a British consultant discussing his work with corporate clients. I was once again struck by the British English use of the plural when referring to collective nouns, in this case large companies. So, for instance, while in American English collective nouns are almost always singular (“Proctor & Gamble is a master of innovation,” or “The government has failed in its effort.